Higher Institute of Mining, Industry and Geology, African Centre of Meteorological Application for Development, Assane Seydou Sanda-elu-maire-de-la-ville-de-niamey&catid=34:actualites&Itemid=53 Installation du Conseil de ville de Niamey et élection des membres : M. Assane Seydou Sanda, élu maire de la ville de Niamey, "Demographic Projections for Niger 2012-2024", "Niger: Regions, Departments, Communes, Cities, Localities and Municipal Arrondissements - Population Statistics in Maps and Charts", "Niger: Regions, Cities & Urban Centers - Population Statistics, Maps, Charts, Weather and Web Information", "Niamey Population 2020 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs)", Rues de Niamey, espace et territoires de la mendicité, Parcours migratoire des citadins et problème du logement à Niamey, Etat et contexte de la fourniture des services publics dans la commune urbaine de Say, "Inauguration of the first train station in Niamey", "A 80 Year-long Wait: Niger Gets its First Train Station", "African Centre of Meteorological Application for Development (ACMAD) - PreventionWeb.net", Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, An unrecognised or partially-recognised nation, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Niamey&oldid=1008012774, Populated places established in the 2nd millennium, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox settlement with unknown parameters, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Appointed district government, elected city council, elected commune and quarter councils, This page was last edited on 21 February 2021, at 02:56. [2] This last factor means that demographically a majority of the city's citizens are young people.[2]. Catherine Farvacque-Vitkovic, Lucien Godin, Hugues Leroux, Florence Verdet, Roberto Chavez: Benjamin Michelon, Laurence Wilhelm, Ibrahima Goumey: https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cité_Caisse&oldid=205870821, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 24. « Nous allons évaluer, dans un cadre technique, le fichier électoral biométrique (…) et voir dans quelle mesure on peut éditer ce fichier », a précisé Désiré Nyaruhirira, cité dans le communiqué. It is a co-equal first division subdivision with the seven Regions of Niger. Cité Caisse | Niamey, a small pre-colonial village at the beginning of the xx th century, has become in a few decades, a large town thanks to its political, administrative and commercial functions. Il était cité par les deux témoins de RFI comme l’un des meneurs du commando chargé d’assassiner les deux militants des droits de l’homme. Covering an area of over 250 km2 (97 sq mi), the metropolitan area sits atop two plateaux reaching 218 m (715 ft) in altitude, bisected by the Niger River. 98 98 07 67 Mini villa The CUN includes land where there were formerly several surrounding towns and villages which the city of Niamey has now annexed. Abidjan | [20], Until 1998, all of greater Niamey was part of Tillabéri Region, which prior to 1992 was named the Niamey Department. [7] Die öffentliche Grundschule Ecole primaire de la Cité Caisse wurde 1989 gegründet. [14], In the 1990s, the capital district population growth rate was lower than the torrid national rate, suggesting large rural migration (urbanization) was negligible in Niger, there is an undercount, and/or the government's forced urban to rural deportations were effective. En 2010 et 2016, l’OIF avait déjà Place-Toumo est le site référent de petites annonces au Niger, de particulier à particulier et de professionnels à particulier partout au Niger. The climate is hot semi-arid (Köppen climate classification BSh), with an expected rainfall of between 500 mm (20 in) and 750 mm (30 in) a year, mostly beginning with a few storms in May, then transitioning to a rainy season, usually lasting from sometime in June to early September, when the rains taper off rather quickly. [1] Cité Caisse erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von etwa 18,5 Hektar[2] und liegt wie der gesamte Norden von Niamey in einem Tafelland mit einer weniger als 2,5 Meter tiefen Sandschicht, wodurch nur eine begrenzte Einsickerung möglich ist. Lacouroussou | Niamey (French pronunciation: [njamɛ]) is the capital and largest city of Niger. im Stadtzentrum von Niamey. [8] Continuing droughts also caused many rural Nigeriens to move to the growing city. In fact, it is one of the hottest major cities on the planet. [5] Bei der Volkszählung 2001 betrug die Einwohnerzahl 6850 in 1100 Haushalten. [5] Zinder's proximity to the Nigerian border and distance from French-controlled ports prompted the French to move the capital back to Niamey in 1926, by which time the city had some 3,000 inhabitants. La ville compte cinq communes et est constituée en une communauté urbaine dénommée Communauté urbaine de Niamey (CUN) qui est incrustée dans la région de Tillabéri. … [7][2][5] The period from 1970 to 1988 was one in which the economy of Niger boomed, driven by revenue from the uranium mines at Arlit. Retrouvez toutes les annonces au Niger comme Terrains Vente parcelle 450 m² - Cité 2010 Niamey au Niger - CoinAfrique Niger et téléchargez CoinAfrique: Des milliers d'annonces et bonnes affaires à découvrir près de chez vous Niamey lies on the Niger River, primarily situated on the east bank. [6], At the time of independence in 1960 the population had grown to around 30,000. Stadtviertel Terminus Koordinaten Koordinaten: 13 30′ N, 2 7′ O Basisdaten Staat Niger Hauptstadtdistrikt Niamey Arrondissement Niamey III ISO 3166-2 NE-8 Terminus befindet sich am linken Ufer des Flusses Niger im Stadtzentrum von Niamey. ?Contacts: (+227) 91879917 appel et WhatsApp The city was founded on the east ("left bank") of the river as it meanders from a west to east flow to run almost directly south. Retrouvez toutes les annonces au Niger comme Villas Vente Villa - Cité 2010 au Niger - CoinAfrique Niger et téléchargez CoinAfrique: Des milliers d'annonces et bonnes affaires à découvrir près de chez vous et partout en Afrique - Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine - Village artisanal de Wadata Cette classe s'intitule Théâtre Rive Droite 1 et propose une salle de spectacle pour théâtre et marionnette pouvant également se transformer en ateliers de fabrications de marionnettes ou en salle de répétitions. [18], The CUN covers a territory of 239.30 km2 (92.39 sq mi),[19] or 0.02% of the nation's territory. Jeudi 16 septembre 2010 : Dans la nuit, un groupe de sept personnes, dont deux expatriés français travaillant pour Areva, ont été enlevés dans la nuit dans un quartier sécurisé près de la cité d'exploitation minière d'Arlit qui abrite les travailleurs employés sur les gigantesques gisements d'uranium [15]. Boukoki IV | [3], Cité Caisse wurde in den 1980er Jahren als Wohnsiedlung für Funktionäre der staatlichen Sozialversicherungsanstalt Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS) gegründet. Cité Caisse erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von etwa 18,5 Hektar und liegt wie der gesamte Norden von Niamey in einem Tafelland mit einer weniger als 2,5 Meter tiefen Sandschicht, wodurch nur eine begrenzte Einsickerung Government Ordinance n°2010–56 and Presidential Decree n°2010-679 of September 2010 mandated an elected City Council for the city of Niamey, subsumed under the CUN. A major cause of the increase has been in migration for work and during droughts, as well a high population growth. Im Südosten grenzt Cité Fayçal an den Bahnhof Niamey und im Westen an die Garba-Hassane-Kaserne. At Niamey, the river, running almost straight SSE from Gao, Mali, makes a series of wide bends. L'ex-président du Niger, Mamadou Tandja à Niamey, le 18 février 2010. ?#Cité_2010 Deux parcelles de 400m² chacune à vendre à la Cité 2010 à environ 200m du goudron. [citation needed], Niger being a predominantly Muslim country, mosques are the most common places of worship, with the Grande Mosquée being the largest in the city. Niamey est la capitale du Niger, située sur le fleuve Niger dans l'extrême ouest du pays. Retrouvez toutes les annonces au Niger comme Villas Vente villa 400m² au Niger - CoinAfrique Niger et téléchargez CoinAfrique: Des milliers d'annonces et bonnes affaires à découvrir près de chez vous et partout en Afrique - 2792546 C’est un nouveau rebondissement dans l’affaire Floribert Chebeya et Fidèle Bazana, ces deux militants des droits de l’homme tués en république démocratique du Congo le 1er juin 2010. Two bridges connect the two sides - the Kennedy Bridge and the Friendship Bridge. Niamey (French pronunciation: [njamɛ]) is the capital and largest city of Niger. Average monthly high temperatures reach 38 °C (100 °F) four months out of the year and in no month do average high temperatures fall below 32 °C (90 °F). Kalley Sud | Under this devolution process[16] formalised in the 1999 Constitution of Niger, the CUN contains five urban communes, which are further divided into 99 quarters ("Quartiers") with elected boards. Cité Fayçal | Cross cité de Djermakoye Dosso le 29 novembre 2013 Grade Nom et Prénom Mle Temps Rang 1ere Cl Issa Alzouma 12 426 27’35’’ 1er Cross AREVA Niamey le 27 décembre 2013 1ere Cl Issa Alzouma 12 426 27’35’’ 2eme [9] Under the military government of General Seyni Kountché, there were strict controls on residency and the government would regularly round up and "deport" those without permits back to their villages. So wird das Schema Rue BF 1 nicht nur in Banifandou I und Banifandou II, sondern auch in Cité Caisse angewendet. Français : Le Boulevard Tanimoune (Rue CI-85) à Niamey, au Niger (quartier Cité Fayçal). Terminus, Verwaltungsgliederung des Arrondissements. Each Commune elects its own council, and outside major cities, these function like independent cities. Cité Caisse (auch: Cité CNSS) ist ein Stadtviertel (französisch: quartier) im Arrondissement Niamey III der Stadt Niamey in Niger. [5] A series of devastating droughts prompted significant population growth during this period, and by 1945 the population was about 8,000. Nouveau Marché | Niamey is remarkably hot throughout the year. vente terrain 400m² - cité 2010 - niamey, niger P il y a 2 mois Immobilier Terrains et lots à vendre et à louer Niamey, Niger 5,500,000 FCFA 13723/i Lotissement Niamey 2010 , sis Route Filingué Terrains (Niamey) 14/08/2017 Demandez le prix au vendeur Un terrain lottis de 400m² objet de l'acte de cession 13623/i du lottissement Niamey 2010 sur la route Filingué est mis en vente.Contact 96086511 Niamey 600m² clôturé avec eau et électricité juste a côté, situé a moins d 150m du tout nouvel hôpital de référence prix a discuter. Niamey's population was counted as 1,026,848 as of the 2012 census. Banizoumbou | The very centre of the centre contains a number of wide boulevards linking roundabouts. Das Stadtviertel erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von etwa 29,5 Hektar [2] und liegt in einem Tafelland mit einer weniger als 2,5 Meter tiefen Sandschicht, wodurch nur eine begrenzte Einsickerung möglich ist. It includes five Urban Communes, divided into 44 "Districts" and 99 "Quartiers", including formerly independent towns. During the dry season, particularly from November through February, nights are generally cool. Niamey makes up a special capital district of Niger, which is surrounded by the Region of Tillabéri. As of 2017, population projections show the capital district growing at a slower rate than the country as a whole, which has the world's highest fertility rate.[4]. The city is located in a pearl millet growing region, while manufacturing industries include bricks, ceramic goods, cement and weaving. The town, then with an estimated population of some 1,800, was chosen as the capital of the newly created Military Territory of Niger in 1905, however the capital was shifted to the more established city of Zinder in 1912. Most of the colourful pottery sold in Niamey is hand made in the nearby village of Boubon. Other places of interest include the American, French and Nigerien cultural centres, seven major market centres (including the large Niamey Grand Market), a traditional wrestling arena and a horse racing track. [citation needed] Within the richer or more trafficked neighbourhoods, these beggars have in fact formed a well-regulated hierarchical system in which beggars garner sadaka according to cultural and religious norms. Most of the rainfall is from late June to mid-September. The western bank area consists mainly of residential areas such as Gaweye, Saguia, Lamorde, Saga and Karadje, as well as Abdou Moumouni University. [4], Bei der Volkszählung 2012 hatte Cité Caisse 3944 Einwohner, die in 617 Haushalten lebten. Bandabari | [14], A major attraction in the city is the Niger National Museum, which incorporates a zoo, a museum of vernacular architecture, a craft centre, and exhibits including dinosaur skeletons and the Tree of Ténéré. Trouvez la bonne affaire maintenant ! Niamey and other major cities have been, since the advent of decentralisation, developing co-ordination of Commune governments in large cities made up of multiple Communes.[2]. [5], The city is also the site of the National School of Administration, Abdou Moumouni University, the Higher Institute of Mining, Industry and Geology which lies on the right bank of the river, and many institutes (Centre numérique de Niamey, IRD, ICRISAT, Hydrologic Institute, etc.) [8] Die Berufsschule Institut Nigérien d’Informatique et de Maintenance Electronique (INIME) bietet Ausbildungen zu Informatik, Elektrik, Buchhaltung und Bankwesen sowie zu verschiedenen weiteren Handwerken an. Die benachbarten Stadtviertel sind Banizoumbou II im Norden, Banifandou II im Osten und Süden sowie Banifandou I im Westen. [2] The City Council and Mayor have limited roles compared to the CUN Governor. [23], J. Gordon Melton, Martin Baumann, ‘‘Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices’’, ABC-CLIO, USA, 2010, p. 2103. Diese Zonen decken sich nicht zwangsläufig mit den administrativen Grenzen der namensgebenden Stadtteile. There is practically no rain from October to April. [1], Das Standardschema für Straßennamen in Cité Caisse ist Rue BF 1, wobei auf das französische Rue für Straße das Kürzel BF für Banifandou und zuletzt eine Nummer folgt. Niamey has a third layer of government in the Commune system. Elle comptait 1 802 910 habitants en 2018, soit la ville la plus peuplée du Niger. Couronne Nord | Niamey's population was counted as 1,026,848 as of the 2012 census. [2] Like the rest of Niger, Niamey has seen a decentralisation of governance since 2000. 4 Parcelle Mise En Vente Au Cité Diaspora Sur La Latérite, Avec Eau Et Électricité. Nous allons aujourd’hui dans le quartier « Cité chinoise » de Niamey, dans la ville de Aguié dans la région de Maradi, et dans le village de Sajamanja dans la … Das langgestreckte Gebiet des Arrondissements am linken Ufer des Flusses Niger führt vom Stadtzentrum Richtung Nordosten, wo es vom breiten Grüngürtel von Niamey begrenzt wird. Mais qui sont ces chefs traditionnels de Niamey, et quel rôle véritable jouent-ils dans le développement de la cité ? [5], Prior to 1926-27 the Upper Volta-Niger border ran along the Niger river, meaning that Niamey lay directly on the boundary. [6], An der südwestlichen Ecke des Stadtviertels befindet sich der Markt von Cité Caisse, der 1986 errichtet wurde. Dies geht auf ein Projekt zur Straßenbenennung in Niamey aus dem Jahr 2002 zurück, bei dem die Stadt in 44 Zonen mit jeweils eigenen Buchstabenkürzeln eingeteilt wurde. [5] Niamey was of little importance until the French developed it as a colonial centre in the late 1890s. Niamey hosts the African Centre of Meteorological Application for Development. [18], Niamey is served by the Diori Hamani International Airport, located 12 km southeast of the city and is crossed by the RN1 highway. The Niamey Urban Community includes an administration and Governor appointed by national leaders. Collège Mariama | [2] Forty-five councillors are popularly elected and in turn elect the Mayor of the City of Niamey. Nous mettons à votre disposition des parcelles de 400 mèttres carré sur un terrain plat au lotissement la belle cité sur la route Ouallam à 25km du poste de police de Niamey. [9], By some estimates the population had reached 700,000 in 2000. In July 2011 the first Mayor under the new system, Oumarou Dogari Moumouni, was installed by the Governor of the CUN Mrs. Aïchatou Boulama Kané and the City Council. [5], In 1992 Niamey and its immediate hinterland were split off from Niamey Region to form the much smaller Niamey Capital District, enclaved within the new Tillabéri Region. [14] The growing freedoms of the late 1980s and 1990s, along with the Tuareg Rebellion of the 1990s and famine in the 2000s, have reinforced this process of internal migration, with large informal settlements appearing on the outskirts of the city. [21][22] Boats are also used to travel the Niger River. Niamey lies on the Niger River, primarily situated on the east bank. Cité Caisse liegt im Nordosten des urbanen Gemeindegebiets von Niamey. Prix: 8.000.000 chacune Fcfa négociables. There are also various Christian churches, most notably Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cathedral and the Cathedral de Maourey.[15][5]. Eau électricité disponibles. Noticeable in the city's centre since the 1980s are groups of poor, young, or handicapped beggars. Prix: 400.000Fcfa l'unité avec possibilité de payer en tranche sur 10 mois. Niamey was probably founded in the 18th century and originated as a cluster of small villages (Gaweye, Kalley, Maourey, Zongo and Foulani Koira).
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