####''',,,�� �� > > " ��� Add to playlist. 2 - Ya rayah - refrain 3 - Interlude Solos 2 - Ya Rayah - refrain. endstream endobj 195 0 obj <>>>/Lang(fr-FR)/MarkInfo<>/Metadata 9 0 R/Pages 192 0 R/StructTreeRoot 13 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 196 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 595.32 841.92]/Parent 192 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 197 0 obj <>>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream I love especially the classical arabic sounding intros to the songs where they use strings and oboe like instruments. * Chhal dhiyaat wqat chhal tzid mazal ou t'khali. Ya Rayah. Ya rayah win msafar trouh taaya wa twali. �6I�^�l:�$ko�/� =�Y� �O�0~��ua�ˡ�>,�_��%@�a����a�5֫���� �6�1q ]�9r3����y{S�إ���6��[�!�dq�u��8�{s�1�GT�ΆnD�Đ����s�K;��,�{q� Achetez les vinyles, CDs de Rachid Taha, et plus encore sur la Marketplace Discogs. YA-RAYAH.mid Musical Notes Distribution. �?g�P�:27d���$P˜8�;��;��ϛ��B��_��,�'�27�ط�W�w|+Y2����\i���i���]&��h��^�Y$! 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View all instruments. � !1"A3QRa���� #$%&'()*23456789:BCDEFGHIJRSTUVWXYZbcdefghijqrstuvwxyz������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ? Capo on 4th fret / [Intro] Am(x4) E(x2) Dm E Am(x2) / [Chorus] Am E Ya rayah win msafar trouh taâya wa tweli Dm E Am Ch'hal nedmou laâbad el ghaflin qablak ou qabli Am E Ya rayah win msafa. H�*�2��37���41U0 B$�����!�ij��L�����5Pp�� �h������4����V�Krs)B,����,�8�3$�f�0vr|��1@��JL)�����t��!���t�x���Z���v�&��⩭+�. �$��+�.�7��&���y���ٙ�B�U'�*�Õ�-����P���n(PZT�^��ʟ�ȝc�51�v��)��g���-�ԱBH8�4TyT�\��t9{h�e��{4�+a ?M�\[4�V�@���A�0|� If for any reason you believe the content shown here is not appropriate, you can endstream endobj startxref Here is a summary of the detected tracks in the file: We are converting midis online Since 2008. h�bbd```b``���[@$�&0[DrN��#D���h�u��% ��#X��&���`�� �i)�d� f�LE!`6X%c�A��n0,�P ��}����� f��`�xj������#A$+�^F!��G`�+�i��� R�D :i�֘kR�nY}����A}&������KS_e�Z�:y endstream endobj 199 0 obj <>stream ��[l^g� H(l� %%EOF ####''',,,�� �� > > " ��� endstream endobj 205 0 obj <>stream �C���?�V]��W��܊P�&�� This page contains information about the Midi file "YA-RAYAH.mid". (�� I������9&����.2��Ee�U�se$9���(T�� n6[��qcL�� �x��E��"���Q^f���LҼ�(�ت��p�� b�����t!J1�Q�":����7JSU�@ �8c,��%D����h�^(ł�mY�($��0\� ��~�=,�RY`�4( &Y�"&1�h�K�����BRuv'r��[Ea�b���P��D���&�E���&ʼnLX9�-����3�CLY\�ʱ��3I�T����g$�Ɇ�ҡ31K�j�n�??d��'dK˜�iTН��(�EBf�;C4%�4�! ####''',,, Please note that neither the original file The waveform image is automatically %)H � X@z_hC1��m>�2� ԥ7lІL�+5�+��9�fѺ#n���h�K�(*Z�L��H�O��)֧P��&�)E����Ґ��-Dr��f�4d�3�4 ���A� �`l��c,�leR4��ɻ;$ު�2T��m��B\�ZE�����҃ �R�!� 5fK�2�R^�j.��?8$� Tzid waad el qoudra wala zmane wenta ma tedri. Genres dérivés aucun. X�@J' L�-�e��$�K�X�G IEP����$ ��[l^g� "Ya Rayah" ( Arabic: يا رايح Yâ râyiḥ, i.e. ����-h��^M���!��(NS���iF%Kh�RY�6�J\Iu0y/�h&\9d�gMwÃ"�OH �p�` �S��KKZ�!�!9R��A��Ƣ�0d��AR��@�O�;nݰoDq��!OL^.Hf@�3��$8 $h\����A $�(����f6E�cU�SE䨺�n��R�'�K��*� dȜN-�3��ن,��M@*�d�9&rg0��N-�3��ن,��M@*�d�9&rg0Z�NI9% i� �@�� ####''',,, Rachid Taha est né le 18 septembre 1958, c’est un chanteur algérien résidant en France. Discover more every day. Favorite. ####''',,,�� �� > > " ��� Parmi ses chansons connues : ‘Ala jalkoum’, ‘Ala jalkoum’. Sistre . generated after the midi file has been converted by analyzing the resulting mp3 file. Les titres de Rachid Taha sont inspirés de différents styles. �l)E'(�f��ΩX�f ��(!lT��F�fњ�д(�AI�k�D*/,�m �����b�O[8�R�9�yJ�*�p������j'�1���j��a@%�����)Æjub �(jB�8fu!��uE��)@�U+FM KT�LPq��E�2P��(�~�e�J�V�� News, email and search are just the beginning. endstream endobj 198 0 obj <>stream request the removal of this page. Titre : Ya rayah Pays : Algerie Genre : Raï. �%]t�7S�.��5*�2R�]���t���)T�hm�8��1jo�5�Ց5��*�FbDd��D� xSd�Y �"k̺�Y���`N�:�(�!��%͒X��wJ�%� %�he��i$�(�ib� �`;D�c��bdԢ�=�;4�ZЂ B�Q9`A�Q��C�"-(T�4��k�B�j�gH3g �`(v��1��-[5QZֲT�NI&r�o�`��I)�� ��$�� �(�ux��ذ]h+�Α�TWSM^��a��2����Y=�O9�!,�*�5< ���BVA�cal_�4�U,Z�id,A��GQm��S4g/4�U��&���F��Js�PW����THZ��UjZ9Vm�Oj��o�j�q�KԨ��L_� %)H � X@z_hC1��m>�2� ԥ7lІL�+5�+��9�fѺ#n���h�K�(*Z�L��H�O��)֧P��&�)E����Ґ��-Dr��f�4d�3�4 ���A� �`l��c,�leR4��ɻ;$ު�2T��m��B\�ZE�����҃ �R�!� 5fK�2�R^�j.��?8$� r�V"�f��u�PoQdєF2�-8y*K5A��!��JTA%ɱYB�^2#�2oy�Q%Jd .� � ��Τ�A�b�����t�GCX�$�kb��88 ��J��U���I��X�V:�1��T6b���B��o��f,&��`+��T�@qH�EǤ���U^ZY�������Iq����rHn�����F��`x�c�X���Q�)d�%A�ZQ)�f� ]�q�aX���Զ:��"�7)�"r�j� ��7��G4 礗�OJ'�ˍH�@l�v% H����n�@���� ������ ������ [O� E� ��. (�� 247 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[194 164]/Info 193 0 R/Length 206/Prev 930220/Root 195 0 R/Size 358/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Up until the past 15 years this song was known to be Dahman El Harrachi's original song and in the Chaâbi/Andalous tradition of Algiers. Given a piece of music, it is interesting to count how many times each of the individual twelve musical notes © 1997 Barclayhttp://vevo.ly/yhmjmM Ne te presses pas, tu reviendras Comme tant d’autres }�t���۱� �R��{�{mr������˳��?,��f>�x=�E�7iE/�T6���61��fmb[K9�$���u-�S��0mJ[��7u^K��4��`�5_I��׹�M��u��FZ��ykX����4u��w��j��H�\��n��i����_�}��KX�yֻ��5��(��4��~{\�����k&��^;�Ht]w69Uϝs�~����Y�27��u��>~W�KGӴi���Ʒ�>� ฽�q�w^�/>}��BW����g6�p������/>�r��x�ǟ~�Ҽӭ+�]�1{��Xzp��՝��b�1��1ܨ�77���V��.��ԯO�=�\����Z�'��ߝ���N�~.� �ނ{�m�w����.�=�ş�vs����h�h�*)B�E8J�7N�@Aum�R��z�U�^�zkd����mTgt��y�D��ߠ&��bԌ�QS����7�s��=���)�HB!�A���f?�R/t���t��m��\�,f��� e�. Catégorie de la chanson: Liste A. Bottomliner ... i don't think it would sound the same performed by us unless we all quit brass instruments to take up the oud but i think we could play a version that would keep those folks who were bustin a move when we played wein a ramallah on saturday dancing in the streets. endstream endobj 203 0 obj <>>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream "you, the one leaving") is an Algerian chaâbi song written and performed in 1973 by Dahmane El Harrachi (Amrani Abderrahmane). Favorite. �l)E'(�f��ΩX�f ��(!lT��F�fњ�д(�AI�k�D*/,�m �����b�O[8�R�9�yJ�*�p������j'�1���j��a@%�����)Æjub �(jB�8fu!��uE��)@�U+FM KT�LPq��E�2P��(�~�e�J�V�� %PDF-1.7 %���� ��'�fm�&ђ�O��%����҈+��������˓�'�QG��c� x|�#��}~|��ŹͰ��+��r?��O���W������Ӌ���Ņ���僧'���T?�|�tw����㳟v���9;{���|i��|{z�|��ƿ�N��p�§��/�^�)��/�6[t��Ԍq��'�/�1"\��Hc�ƭ\ҫ�Qӧ����[î���{�������٥��_W��Pqu�^�N����x~�$i�?,�;a)�h�p4Ou�l�M��v,�����X���R�^AF 194 0 obj <> endobj Ya rayah win msafar trouh taaya wa twali Chhal nadmou laabad el ghaflin qablak ou qabli Paroles2Chansons dispose d’un accord de licence de paroles de chansons avec la Société des Editeurs et Auteurs de Musique (SEAM) Author munvier [a] 35. Chhal nadmou laabad el ghaflin qablak ou qabli (bis) Chhal cheft al bouldan laamrine wa lber al khali. (�� Ya Rayah Intro tab by Rachid Taha. Given a piece of music, it is interesting to count how many times each of the individual twelve musical notes is played, and understand their relative weight, or importance, in the piece. ��H�' R�Np�����x}��a���8J���$9璬�?s�� DV$� Ya rayah win msafar trouh taâya wa twali Ch'hal nadmou laâbad el ghaflin qablak ou qabli Oh emigrant où vas-tu? �6I�^�l:�$ko�/� =�Y� Téléchargez le PDF, imprimez-le et aidez-vous de nos outils interactifs pour jouer la chanson. inferred by analyzing the relative frequency of each of the 12 musical notes being played in the file. Oh Emigrant. #$%&'()*2456789:BCDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZbcdefghijqrstuvwxyz����������������������������������������������������������������������������� � !1AQ�"a���� ����-h��^M���!��(NS���iF%Kh�RY�6�J\Iu0y/�h&\9d�gMwÃ"�OH �p�` �S��KKZ�!�!9R��A��Ƣ�0d��AR��@�O�;nݰoDq��!OL^.Hf@�3��$8 $h\����A $�(����f6E�cU�SE䨺�n��R�'�K��*� dȜN-�3��ن,��M@*�d�9&rg0��N-�3��ن,��M@*�d�9&rg0Z�NI9% i� �@�� �?g�P�:27d���$P˜8�;��;��ϛ��B��_��,�'�27�ط�W�w|+Y2����\i���i���]&��h��^�Y$! * Découvrez la traduction de la chanson Ya Rayah par Rachid Taha : l’émigré Oh où vas-tu? h�b``0f``a```�����1�� @7�b�xAF�]G���*X���bXŪ�в�c���P��:�o�|"Y�;Xg=~�������A��� �C��#���1��t����a���6(�O�����^”K�Mte���z 702�������|�@������3@�3220��U������?�&B����S���|�S�zn |;= ����?,OQDD,N�� �X"�j0��^���U�M�K6�ִ� �0 ��� �`;D�c��bdԢ�=�;4�ZЂ B�Q9`A�Q��C�"-(T�4��k�B�j�gH3g �`(v��1��-[5QZֲT�NI&r�o�`��I)�� ��$�� �(�ux��ذ]h+�Α�TWSM^��a��2����Y=�O9�!,�*�5< The hystogmam below Ya Rayah . � !1"A3QRa���� Il dérive de la musique arabo-andalouse . Mais il y a plein d'autres instruments sur le nouvel album tels que le violon, le oud (luth arabe, ndlr), le qanoun (cithare à 70 cordes, ndlr) et beaucoup d'instruments de … �$��+�.�7��&���y���ٙ�B�U'�*�Õ�-����P���n(PZT�^��ʟ�ȝc�51�v��)��g���-�ԱBH8�4TyT�\��t9{h�e��{4�+a ?M�\[4�V�@���A�0|� �0 ��� �$��+�.�7��&���y���ٙ�B�U'�*�Õ�-����P���n(PZT�^��ʟ�ȝc�51�v��)��g���-�ԱBH8�4TyT�\��t9{h�e��{4�+a ?M�\[4�V�@���A�0|� 1, 2, 3 Soleils, qui met en scène de nombreuses perles de ces trois chanteurs, chantées solo, en duo ou en trio - de "Aicha" (Khaled) chanté par Faudel et Khaled, à l'explosif "Ya Rayah" (Taha) réunissant les trois vedettes -, est donc beaucoup plus qu'un simple hommage au raï. ���q�g'Ow�)Sq�o��t>��OO�;?��OΞ>v�˂�t�ť�? Ya rayah (en arabe : يا رايح) (Toi qui t’en vas), est une chanson de l’auteur-compositeur-interprète algérien Amrani Abderrahmane, dit Dahmane El Harrachi.Elle figure au panthéon des chansons les plus populaires du répertoire chaabi de la musique algérienne each track has a name and contains a sequence of midi events. 357 0 obj <>stream Find your yodel. View all instruments. It's thought that the version we dance to is by the late Rachid Taha. #$%&'()*2456789:BCDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZbcdefghijqrstuvwxyz����������������������������������������������������������������������������� � !1AQ�"a���� les instruments qu’ils entendent (les aider à les visualiser à l'aide d'images ou de photos). is played, and understand their relative weight, or importance, in the piece. %�h��5;H��Y#�F׬)�F狲�g�%AXQ�n��W����ե���>����ǿ����o^>��tyrv��~��|~�ߏ��? X�@J' L�-�e��$�K�X�G IEP����$ Clip,Rachid Taha,Ya Rayah,Extrait De L'Album Carte Blanche,Sortie En 1997. ���� Adobe d �� � '$''''$25552;;;;;;;;;; Explorez les références de Rachid Taha sur Discogs. Šaʿabī signifie « populaire » en arabe , c'est l'un des genres musicaux les plus populaires d'Algérie. Finalement, tu dois revenir Combien de gens ignorants ont regretté cela avant toi et moi (x2). You might be also interested in a 3D Visualization of �������*�Ĩ���U�c�\ꔺ���'�o���T?e��;�Η��T��7Rʴj�T������i|�tL:}Y���*�K�N%��5�v*!qBI��,]�SJ�޺���B�Pb�]TZ�� Edit. endstream endobj 204 0 obj <>stream ����?,OQDD,N�� �X"�j0��^���U�M�K6�ִ� H(l� #$%&'()*23456789:BCDEFGHIJRSTUVWXYZbcdefghijqrstuvwxyz������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ? �0 ��� #$%&'()*2456789:BCDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZbcdefghijqrstuvwxyz����������������������������������������������������������������������������� � !1AQ�"a���� �`;D�c��bdԢ�=�;4�ZЂ B�Q9`A�Q��C�"-(T�4��k�B�j�gH3g �`(v��1��-[5QZֲT�NI&r�o�`��I)�� ��$�� �(�ux��ذ]h+�Α�TWSM^��a��2����Y=�O9�!,�*�5<
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